Friday, April 17, 2009

Surprise, she's here!

Around 5:15 AM Saturday, March 28, I felt a strange feeling and knew that something was going on…Well, boy was it! My water broke shortly after I stood up and I was in labor! Kynsleigh was on her way 4 weeks early, whether we were ready or not! :) I called my sister and let her know right away. Then, we had to track down my parents who were visiting some friends in New York. Sam and I got ready and headed to Crestwood. Once we arrived, we checked in and the nurse took us to our delivery room where we stayed all day. Then by 5:00 PM, my parents arrived from New York.
At 9:49PM, Kynsleigh Enabelle was born! She weighed 4 pounds, 14 ounces and was 16 ¾ inches long. She was the most beautiful and smallest baby that I had ever seen! She was absolutely perfect! I am so glad things happened the way they did!